
do you think that failure of the imagination can have moral significance? i mean, is it a character flaw or just an insufficiency of skill?

broken pinky toe
this will affect my balance
well, what can you do?

covered with the flowers,
instantly i'd like to die
in this dream of ours!




weird al yankovick
pretty sure this sums it up
i miss my nicole.


i didn't know what time it was... then i met you.

spray paint floats in wine
guess i'll walk to penn aiken
oh, the selection!


something missing

no haiku today
this is unbeWEAVEable
reheat an omelet?



celebrities snap
so xanax for the monkey
bad idea, friend?

this one is for you
your pocket; pickle in there, just let me know>

i never can say goodbye, girl

cat playing with string
that man has the kindest thighs
wheels keep on turning

gold spray paint; basement
lovers keep on loving
mike tomlin... his swag!

got it goin' on
no need for cake and flowers
buffalo bills, naw.

spread blunt like... mustard
time to give the cats a bath
sippin' e&j.

audrey hepburn eyes
you, me, the bottle makes three
si si SI papi!


don't stop till you get enough

springtime comes slowly
patchy snow mounds resist sun
lingering in shade.

.eileen egan mack.

some tiny sketches:
to have invented post it
millionaire status?

girl your weave fell out
you better pick that shit up
weaves be expensive

wincing the night away

lazy afternoon looks
like a morning
no sunshine on my window.

.zakariya amataya.

i sit at my desk
each night, with no place to go
opening wrinkled maps of milwaukee and buffalo.

.anne sexton.

maybe dc
cherry blossoms in march
remind me then.

now you are jealous
see my dunks glow in the dark
tie my shoe for me?

oh marvin, you sure are all the joys under the sun wrapped up into one...

freeway overpass---
blossoms in grafitti on
fog-wrapped june mornings.


how was al green ever alone?

barrel select malbec
grab your gat
call your click

jim henson was a handsome devil.

no blossoms and no moon,
and he is drinking sake
all alone!

.matsuo basho.